Why do we paint? Why do we make art?
What is the meaning of making art?

These questions have always been at the center of my being. Although it’s not as if I was ruminating on these questions all the time, at some point I realized they were always there inside me. To be honest, even I didn’t really know why I was painting, why I was making art – it was perplexing. I just wanted to understand why art exists at all, it’s raison d'être. This enquiry has not only driven my practice as a painter, it has also been the impetus behind my projects – Vision Art and EGAKU, and the two organizations I have founded – White Ship and ELAB. Why do we make art? What is the meaning of making art? Over time this enquiry itself has become my art practice, and my search continues.
Looking back, it feels like it’s been a journey which has taken me back to the origins of art itself. As I pressed on in my search for answers, believing the answer was somewhere out there, I somehow found myself back at the beginning. The beginning of my personal story of art which began with an encounter with art in middle school, but also the beginning of humanity’s story of art which began with the cave paintings made tens of thousands of years ago.
When I was a child, I didn’t like drawing or painting, and wasn’t particularly good at it either. Although it wasn’t as if I lacked confidence in the subject, my grades were neither great nor awful. As a child who thought that coming first place in everything was important, I wasn’t satisfied with my grades but it seemed there was little I could do to change things. There were always a few “gifted art students” in my class, and I would cast sidelong glances at them, all the time wondering, “The things we learn in art class – what’s the point? Will it be useful when I grow up?”
Then one day in middle school, for the first time in my life my painting was selected as one of the best pictures in a painting competition and displayed in the school corridors. The painting in question was a landscape sketch drawn after nature, it was a composition I’d painted out of a sense of resignation and despair. I’d made it by squirting paint straight from the tube onto my fingers then daubing it onto the paper. There were lumps of dried paint all over the surface. Looking at it, you’d be hard pressed to say what exactly I’d painted. Naturally, I was excited to have my work chosen and felt a sense of achievement. But as I stood in front of this picture of mine, which looked so completely different from all the others, I couldn’t help wondering, “Why did they choose this picture?”
So I opened up my art textbook for the first time. From cave paintings to artworks of the present day, inside I discovered an extraordinary range of artworks throughout human history. And what an eclectic range of works – they were literally all over the place. In fact, they were all so different I struggled to compare them or even begin to fathom what was “good” art. However, one thing was clear to me: there were as many artists as there were artworks. Then as I stared at my textbook, it suddenly occurred to me, “It’s ok to have all different kinds of expressions. There’s no one right answer.” While other subjects at school seemed to be about finding the right answer, art was about creating my own answer. And that interested me enormously.
This encounter with art which started my story of art, opened my eyes to the discovery that “art is the freedom to create your own answer.” No one has a monopoly on the answer, everyone has their own answer. It’s not a matter of right or wrong. Art is not a problem to be “solved”. Making art is an act of creative freedom, each person creating their own answer, expressing themselves as they are. It’s nothing more and nothing less - this is what I believe to this day.
What do the beginnings of the other story of art reveal? The oldest cave paintings are said to have been painted in the Ice Ages. A time before the invention of agriculture when our ancestors depended on hunting and foraging to survive under harsh climatic conditions. I wonder whether for them, painting pictures might have been a gesture, a ritual, that was as equally urgent and vital to their lives as hunting and gathering.
Of course, this is just a guess. Many tens of thousands of years later we have no way of ascertaining the truth. But at a time when survival must have been their first and foremost priority, this act of painting pictures in the depths of these caves and the immeasurable labour and time spent on this enterprise, seems to speak to some deep and powerful human instinct. “Here I am!” “I’m alive!” It's as if I hear these wordless voices from these images. I can’t help but feel that they made these marks to declare that they lived, or perhaps it was painting that gave them the power to live.
Anyone can draw a picture. There are no universal techniques or qualifications you need to acquire to draw. It’s not a competition over who’s most skilled. And yet most people stop drawing in their adolescence, and it becomes something that you do as a hobby or a special activity which only a handful of people engage in. But what if the ancient cave paintings, said to be the first art ever made, were signs that we draw, we make art because we’re alive and we make art to live.
Whatever the case may be, it moves me to think that the art we know today only exists because our ancestors drew pictures all those thousands of years ago. The legacy of these cave paintings have endured through time and continues to this day. Perhaps we have inherited these memories, encoded in our DNA.
It’s been less than thirty years since I started my art practice. It appears that I’ve produced over 2,000 works using different kinds of media and techniques. I have no idea whether that’s a lot or little. Of course, I haven’t been completely satisfied with everything I’ve made and at times I’ve even gone back and painted over some of my works. Then there are a fair number of works which puzzle me - looking at them now, I frankly wonder why I painted them that way. It feels as if it’s been a constant process of experimentation over all these years - all in a quest to get closer to the answer.
In the past few years I feel as if I’m finally beginning to enjoy painting. These days painting for me has gone beyond the realm of pleasure to become something utterly ordinary - just another part of the rhythm of my daily life. Perhaps the early humans who were painting on cave walls felt the same way.
Art is the freedom to create your own answer.
We make art because we're alive. We make art to live.
I believe this kind of art and art-making, will endure as long as human life endures. Or perhaps art itself is what gives us life, the power to continue living. At least this is what art is for me, and this is the art I want to make.



 この問いはいつも僕の真ん中にあった。年がら年中考えていたわけじゃないけれど、何かの折に変わらず側に存在することに気がつく。そもそもなぜ自分が絵を描き続けているのか、それだってよく判らないのだから厄介だった。ともかく、美術、アートの存在意義にも繋がるであろうその答えを僕は知りたかった。その強い想いが原動力となり、自分自身の創作活動だけでなく、Vision ArtやEGAKUなどのプロジェクトに取り組み、ホワイトシップやELABという組織を仲間と共に立ち上げることになった。「なぜ人は絵を描くのか?絵を描くことの意味とは何か?」という問いへの探究がそのまま僕のアート活動になり、今も続いている。
 子どもの頃の僕は、絵を描くことが好きでも得意でもなかった。学校での成績はいつも中ぐらい。良くもなく悪くもなく、かと言って特に苦手意識があったわけではなかった。なんでも一番がよいと思っていた僕にとって、その評価に満足はしていなかったけれど、どうしようもなかった。 クラスには「いつも上手いヤツ」が何人かはいて、彼らを横目で見ながら「図工や美術の科目で学ぶことの意味はなんだろう?大人になって何の役に立つんだろうか?」などと訝しんでいた。


Kunihiko Yazawa